Friday, October 13, 2006
Happy Belated Thanksgiving
Well I guess it is better late than never.
So I hope everyone had lots of turkey, cranberries, pumpkin pie and all the other trimmings that each individual family enjoy and have as tradition.
Our family had a some what traditional dinner with a few changes made this year. My sister has a friend whom is a gourmet caterer part time and this year her family was away so she joined ours for the weekend. She wanted to contribute therefore her touches were way different than we would usually have.
We normally have peas that end up being thrown at each other; this has been a thanksgiving and Christmas tradition for as long as I can remember, so it was an unfamiliar change to have Brussels sprouts instead. I far prefer peas. Corn was served, a spiced up squash, and carrots. There were so many vegetables and so many left over. I like the Philadelphia cream cheese and sour cream, peas, and moms squash, turkey, stuffing, Mars pumpkin pie and apple crisp, Belles gravy and cranberry.
Ok so I am a traditionalist through and through. I do not adjust well to change. There are 2 times of the year that family times and traditions should remain exactly that.
Now something we started a few years back was sharing around the table what we are thankful for, but since we had an outsider there and dinner was being served her way and things at our table were not the same this never happened. Hopefully we can get back to our family traditions for Christmas.
I will share with you the things I am Thankful for. I am thankful that this year I have been free to be there for my parents and to help around the house in what ever way I can. We have been under renovations for months; we have had new furnaces, central air, new floors, and many other things which needed to be taken care of. I have become a self appointed property manager for my parent’s home. I am also thankful that as my parents are aging and they need to lean on us that I am here and available to help them with what ever they need me for. There have been times in my past that I am not proud of or proud to mention, but I really was not a good and reliable daughter. However as I have aged I am finally able to give back a little that my parent s have given me over the years. They have always been there for me and now I can be there for them. What a gift.
I am grateful for all of my family and for my friends. I am grateful for my church and what it has done and given to me so freely. I am very grateful for my friends The Lavender family and all the special times spent with them and their children, spouses, and grandchildren. Amen for good friends, great family.
So I hope everyone had lots of turkey, cranberries, pumpkin pie and all the other trimmings that each individual family enjoy and have as tradition.
Our family had a some what traditional dinner with a few changes made this year. My sister has a friend whom is a gourmet caterer part time and this year her family was away so she joined ours for the weekend. She wanted to contribute therefore her touches were way different than we would usually have.
We normally have peas that end up being thrown at each other; this has been a thanksgiving and Christmas tradition for as long as I can remember, so it was an unfamiliar change to have Brussels sprouts instead. I far prefer peas. Corn was served, a spiced up squash, and carrots. There were so many vegetables and so many left over. I like the Philadelphia cream cheese and sour cream, peas, and moms squash, turkey, stuffing, Mars pumpkin pie and apple crisp, Belles gravy and cranberry.
Ok so I am a traditionalist through and through. I do not adjust well to change. There are 2 times of the year that family times and traditions should remain exactly that.
Now something we started a few years back was sharing around the table what we are thankful for, but since we had an outsider there and dinner was being served her way and things at our table were not the same this never happened. Hopefully we can get back to our family traditions for Christmas.
I will share with you the things I am Thankful for. I am thankful that this year I have been free to be there for my parents and to help around the house in what ever way I can. We have been under renovations for months; we have had new furnaces, central air, new floors, and many other things which needed to be taken care of. I have become a self appointed property manager for my parent’s home. I am also thankful that as my parents are aging and they need to lean on us that I am here and available to help them with what ever they need me for. There have been times in my past that I am not proud of or proud to mention, but I really was not a good and reliable daughter. However as I have aged I am finally able to give back a little that my parent s have given me over the years. They have always been there for me and now I can be there for them. What a gift.
I am grateful for all of my family and for my friends. I am grateful for my church and what it has done and given to me so freely. I am very grateful for my friends The Lavender family and all the special times spent with them and their children, spouses, and grandchildren. Amen for good friends, great family.
Monday, October 02, 2006
Ok so as promised here are a few pictures of my new baby with some of its new friends. Maybe it she is confused and think they are her mother. Then their are just some ones of her and then me feeding her.
I got her on Wednesday evening and she could barely walk now she walks and is almost running, she climbed out of her first bed ans so now she is in her second bed which is much deeper. She still wets the bed, she will use the kitty litter if i put her in it and rub her under her belly close to her genitals for stimulation like her mother would do. She cleans herself already and is truly becoming a wonderful pet. I never realized how much hand feeding would be.

I got her on Wednesday evening and she could barely walk now she walks and is almost running, she climbed out of her first bed ans so now she is in her second bed which is much deeper. She still wets the bed, she will use the kitty litter if i put her in it and rub her under her belly close to her genitals for stimulation like her mother would do. She cleans herself already and is truly becoming a wonderful pet. I never realized how much hand feeding would be.

Sunday, October 01, 2006
2am feedings
Ok so I have been reading some of my friends blogs fairly regularily, especially Sherri, Glenn, & Jonah, on Sherri's page. I love hear all about what is going on in Nashville for them these days. It is nice to see the pics and so forth.
Some of the reading not being a mom has been rather humourous to me and in reallity I have been unable to relate. Well some would say there is poetic justice after all.
Well the other evening I heard of a few small 4 legged creatures that the mother had left and so I took one home with me. I have listened to stories of sleep deprieved Sherri cause of Jonah's irregular schedule, his potty training and many others.
Well since this new little baby of mine was not old enough to be weined from its mother I have been up nights with it for 2am, 4am, and 6am feedings. I have to feed this little baby of mine with a seringe and an eye dropper, it is actually quite cute. I think this baby of mine really thinks I am its mother.
It can be crying in anyone elses hands but when it comes back to me it immediately stops and starts cuddling into me.
I called my new baby Tipsy not after anyone but because it kinda walks like it is drunk and it has a beige tip on the end of its tail. My baby has the cutes little face. it kinda reminds me of a Racoon because of the strip down the from of their face, with out the cirlcles around the eyes.

My little baby is four legged, drinks baby formula, evaporated milk, replinishing milk and my little daring purrs alot, yes it is a little kitten.
I will be posting pictures real soon for all to see my newest pet.
Some of the reading not being a mom has been rather humourous to me and in reallity I have been unable to relate. Well some would say there is poetic justice after all.
Well the other evening I heard of a few small 4 legged creatures that the mother had left and so I took one home with me. I have listened to stories of sleep deprieved Sherri cause of Jonah's irregular schedule, his potty training and many others.
Well since this new little baby of mine was not old enough to be weined from its mother I have been up nights with it for 2am, 4am, and 6am feedings. I have to feed this little baby of mine with a seringe and an eye dropper, it is actually quite cute. I think this baby of mine really thinks I am its mother.
It can be crying in anyone elses hands but when it comes back to me it immediately stops and starts cuddling into me.
I called my new baby Tipsy not after anyone but because it kinda walks like it is drunk and it has a beige tip on the end of its tail. My baby has the cutes little face. it kinda reminds me of a Racoon because of the strip down the from of their face, with out the cirlcles around the eyes.

My little baby is four legged, drinks baby formula, evaporated milk, replinishing milk and my little daring purrs alot, yes it is a little kitten.
I will be posting pictures real soon for all to see my newest pet.