Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Well anyone who knows me well knows that when I get a bug in my ear, well nothing stops me. I read in the paper last week about Bugfest 2006 at Wings of Paradise® Butterfly Conservatory in Cambridge, Ontario Canada.
Some people might ask what is Bugfest 2006 Well this is what it is:
COME EAT A BUG! Dailytasting 1:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m

SEE LIVE INSECTS! Jewel Beetles, Hissing Cockroaches, Millipedes, Tarantulas, and more!
INSECTS OF THE WORLD See interesting insects on display from around the world and learn how insects impact our lives!
PARADISE AWAITS Enter a lush tropical garden bursting with life!Featuring 100's of free-flying butterflies and 75 different species of flowering plants, trees and bushes
Well if you know me well you know I will try anything once. I am almost embarrassed to say that Wings of Paradise has been open for 6 years and I have never gone to see what it is all about. I have heard of Bugfest before as well but never got the courage up to go. This year I set my mind to it. I invited several different young people from my church to go with me but I had no real takers. I asked my nephews but no real keen interest, girls and sports is what interest them mostly these days.
So I got a couple of friends and off we went. They were going to have nothing to do with trying any of the bug food. Now the menu seemed pretty calm to what you see on fear factor so I was game to try. They were serving tea biscuits with crickets, grubs and some kind of worm in it as an appertizer, then grub soup, and for dessert cricket ice cream.
Now it was all pretty tasty but I am not sure if I could eat that for days on end or not.
My two friends were definitely not going to have anything to do with it what so ever. So when we were all done looking at everything and spending an hour in with the butterflies we went to the real cafeteria for some lunch. We all decided to have soup and a sandwich. I deci

When I told her what she had just eaten she said she could not even tell she had just eaten a bug or two. So I just proved it was mind of matter but still could not convince her to try the rest.
They just missed out in a wonderful experience.