Tuesday, September 20, 2005


Here Today----Gone Tomorrow

I was just doing a search for the famous saying "Here today, Gone tomorrow" and could not find the originating source of this saying.

What does this mean to me? Well it has many different meanings. The first thing that comes to mind is from a poem we read in AA at most meetings. Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. Yesterday is gone forever, tomorrow is not yet here and Today is really all we ever have. We may have the memories of yesterday but it is over and so we do not need to continue to live in it. Well tomorrow is not here so it might be nice to set goals for tomorrow, or dream of what we would like it to be, but again it is not here yet so we can not live in it until it gets here. So we can only live in the here and now of Today. What a wonderful gift.

So if we only have today we must live it to the fullest, enjoy it for what it is as if it is our last. We not have any regrets.

The next thing that comes to mind is Tsunami, Katrina, Rita, Ground Zero, 911, Flight 111, and many other disasters. Most people who experienced any of these probably woke up in the morning thinking this day was going to be the same as another day. Well it wasn't.

I am sure like myself most people think disaster can't happen to me or affect me. Well it can and does. A few years ago I had a terrible fall and smashed my knee to smithereens, broke my ankle on both sides and broke my wrist. At the time they told me I would never walk again. I also suffer with depression. So with this double whammy I sure felt I had lots to feel sorry about. How ever I fought had and today I can walk, and physically can do almost everything I use to do before the accident.

So why am I talking about this, well all this seems like peanuts to me in comparison to all the victims and families effected by the above mentioned disasters and many other ones. I still have a roof over my head, I have food, I have family, I have friends, and I have not lost any of my materialistic things. Wow my troubles when put like this are so very minuet to the hundreds and thousands of people who have lost so much.

I need to be more grateful for what the Lord is providing me and not take it for granite because he has proven several times that it can be taken away very rapidly. I need to be reminded often that my problems are nothing compared to others.

We do see how we can have it all today and tomorrow it can all be gone. He shows me that I need to keep all my affairs here on earth in order at all times and I need to be living for him daily. The Lord has provided me with many talents and skills and I need to develop them for the good of his Kingdom. I need to be listening to him and obeying him in order to Glorify him.

What a gift he is showing me. He reveals more to me each day as he feels I am ready. He is preparing me for the time that I am Here Today and Gone Tomorrow. We just never know when that will happen, are you ready? I am not sure I am ready but I am working towards being ready. Are you working towards being ready?

I am rereading right now with my small group bible study at my church the Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren. I am hoping that this will help me more to be ready? I believe this book will help me to discover What on Earth am I Here for. It will help me to look at 5 purposes, and move me into deeper thoughts about what I need to be doing. I am so excited about this.

I keep telling people I am not perfect and some days I make loads of mistakes as a Christian. I do not always live the way I think I am suppose to but It is my hope that each day I am here I will strive more and more to be like Him. I can't live in yesterday but I can learn from yesterday, and I can not live in tomorrow but I sure can prepare for tomorrow. So that is my goal right now. Are you preparing for Tomorrow and learning from yesterday?

So in conclusion Yesterday is gone, Tomorrow in not yet born, so Today is all we really have. Live it to the fullest as it is your last day.

HERE TODAY-----------------------GONE TOMORROW

How thought provoking these 4 words can be. What do they mean to you?

well those 4 words to me mean:
don't waste my gifts or talents
don't expect ease and comfort all the time
don't lose faith when the hard times come
don't try to go through life alone
don't be ungrateful
don't neglect the essentials
How true Kath. Thanks for sharing
I try to live my life exactly that way. Remembering that I never will know ahead of time how tomorrow will turn out... And that I will forever to be unable to change what I did yesterday. Your sharing Alexis, was a wake up call to the fact that I need to let go and finally move on. I need to unlock the chains that held me down for years so I can fly again. I always think to myself about what is going on that is really crappy in my life... But then I relaize that I have it so good considering what my friends, family, or people I don't even know are going through. I then snap out of it and thank God that I have what I have to get me through each day and wonderful family and friends to support me. Thank you again Alexis for your sharing, it cleared the grey clouds away and helped me open my eyes once again.
Enjoyed your thoughts. Very well described. It will be important for you to read this very often. It's true we often get caught up in what is happening at the moment. Our feelings get the better of us and we operate on them rather that the Word and our Faith in the all powerful God. God bless and keep you strong so that you can ride out every storm that comes your way. Also that you may enjoy the sunny times of life without any guilt. Ed.
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